If you think that mitigating cybersecurity risks is all about applying software patches, it may already be too late! The technological choices, made upstream, will determine the security vulnerabilities that will be put in place.Additionally, and if you want to…
L’immaturité structurelle des organisations
L’immaturité structurelle des organisations n’est pas surprenante. Elle trouve son origine dans un historique d’évolutions en silos. Et les palliatifs à ce schéma n’ont fait que participer de l’inertie structurelle. Ce qui n’améliore pas la réponse au besoins d’adaptabilité des…
Driving IT through Business
Driving IT through Business is one of the worst things Companies have made. This is what led to siloed schemes.This is what prevented transversal view and collaboration. (ex: Information sharing, …)This is what hampered Business to evolve without breaking IT.This…